Harf Hike


Harf Hike is an IOS App for hiking and cycling. You can use the App to plan your trip, view where you are and browse your past trips.

Test it!
Harf Hike is currently in the beta test phase. You can test it by installing Apple's TestFlight App from the App Store, and then installing the test version of Harf Hike via this link. The App will be updated regularly.

Easily plan your hiking and cycling routes
No need to plan your routes in other Apps, you can easily do this in Harf Hike. The hiking and cycling modes automatically select the best suitable roads, paths and trails. And when-needed you can override this in the manual mode.
You can also import gpx-routes from other Apps or from the internet.

Knooppuntenroutes in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands you can plan your route based on the network of 'knooppunten', which is the most intuitive way of creating routes that bring you to the nicest places.

Search for locations
During a city trip you may be more interested to find the route to a particular place rather than to plan a complete route. With Harf Hike you can search for nearby places and directly navigate there.

Stay on route
During a trip the map shows you the route, your current
location and your track so far. When enabled, Harf Hike alerts you when you deviate from the route.

Integrated with Apple Health
When you choose to store your trips as workouts in Apple Health you can easily browse all your workouts and look back the route you took, together with speed, elevation and other workout data. Do you use other workout Apps as well? No problem, Harf Hike shows all workouts in Apple Health regardless which App created them.

Apple Watch
Harf Hike comes with an Apple Watch extension that shows the route, the current location and the track so far on a small map. Next to this it shows the distance traveled, the pace of the last km, the duration of the workout and the outside temperature.

The iPad version of Harf Hike is very convenient for creating new routes as well as looking back at your past trips. When you save a route in iCloud you can easily select this route on your iPhone when you start.

Harf Hike does not gather any personal data and does not contain ads. You are in full control of your data. When enabled you can store your routes in iCloud and store your trips in Apple Health.
The maps and automatic directions make use of services from Apple, Mapbox & CycleStreets and only share data that is necessary for the service (for example two locations for calculating directions).